Keys Investigations has access to industry specific databases that are not available to the public. Our “digital toolbox” can find information relating to, but not limited to the following:
Social Network Profile Search, Current/Past Addresses, People at Work, People in the News, Death Records, Email Search, Cell Phone by Name, E-People Search, SSN Search, Possible Relative Search, Possible Roommate Search, Marriage and Divorce Search.
Corporate Filings, National UCC Filings, Businesses in the News, Internet Domains, Dun & Bradstreet, Delaware Corporations
Drivers Licenses, Professional Licenses, Voter Registrations, Driving Records, Concealed Weapons Permits, FAA Pilots, Hunting/Fishing Licenses, DEA Controlled Substances, Federal Firearms & Explosives
Sex Offender Search, National Warrants, Arrest Records, Federal Criminal Docket, Business Criminal Records, Criminal Profile
Bankruptcy Search, Tax Lien Records, Civil Judgments, Eviction Records, Federal Court Records, Property Records
Motor Vehicles, Property Assessments, Property Deeds, Watercraft, FAA Aircraft, DBA
Cell Phones or Landline